Binder Jet Printing and Laser AM of Superalloys 625/718 and Other Structural Alloys

[1] A. Mostafaei, E. Stevens, E. Hughes, S. Biery, C. Hilla, M. Chmielus, “Powder bed binder jet printed alloy 625: densification, microstructure and mechanical properties”. Materials & Design, 108 (2016) 126-135.

[2] A. Mostafaei, Y. Behnamian, Y. Krimer, E. Stevens, J. Luo, M. Chmielus, “Effect of solutionizing and aging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of powder bed binder jet printed alloy 625 nickel-based superalloy”. Materials & Design, 111 (2016) 482-491.

[3] A. Mostafaei, Y. Behnamian, Y.L. Krimer, E.L. Stevens, J.L. Luo, M. Chmielus, “Brief data overview of differently heat treated binder jet printed samples made from argon atomized alloy 625 powder” Data in Brief, 9 (2016), 556-562,

[4] A. Mostafaei, J. Toman, E.L. Stevens, E.T. Hughes, Y.L. Krimer, M. Chmielus, “Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of differently heat-treated binder jet printed samples from gas- and water-atomized alloy 625 powders”, Acta Materialia, 124 (2017) 280-289.

[5] A. Mostafaei, E.T. Hughes, C. Hilla, E.L. Stevens, M. Chmielus, “Data on the densification during sintering of binder jet printed samples made from water- and gas-atomized alloy 625 powders”, Data in Brief, 10 (2017) 116-121.

[6] J. Liu, E.L. Stevens, Q.C. Yang, M. Chmielus, A.C. To, “An analytical model of the melt pool and single track in coaxial laser direct metal deposition (LDMD) additive manufacturing”, Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics, 2 (2017), 1750013,

[7] E.L. Stevens, J. Toman*, A. To, M. Chmielus, “Variation of hardness, microstructure, and Laves phase distribution in direct laser deposited alloy 718 cuboids”, Journal of Materials and Design, 119 (2017), 188-198,

[8] E. Stevens, S. Schloder, E. Bono, D. Schmidt, and M. Chmielus, “Density variation in binder jetting 3D-printed and sintered Ti-6Al-4V,” Additive Manufacturing, 22 (2018), 746-752,

[9] A. Mostafaei, C. Hilla, E.L. Stevens, P. Nandwana, A.M. Elliot, M.Chmielus, “Comparison of characterization methods for differently atomized nickel-based alloy 625 powders”, Powder Technology, 333 (2018), 180-192,

[10] E. Stevens, J. Barnes, M. Chmielus, “Using Micro-Computed Tomography to Investigate Powder Distribution Trends Within 3D Binder-Jet Printed SS316 Parts” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24, S1 (2018), 1004-1005,

[11] A. Mostafaei, S.H.V.R. Neelapu, C. Kisailus, T.Jacobs,  M. Chmielus, “Characterizing Fatigue Behavior in Binder-jet printed Alloy 625”, Additive Manufacturing, 24 (2018), 200-209,

[12] A. Mostafaei, P. Rodriguez De Vecchis, I. Nettleship, M. Chmielus, “Effect of powder size distribution on densification and microstructural evolution of binder-jet 3D-printed alloy 625” Materials & Design, 162 (2019), 375-383,

Additive Manufacturing of Magnetic Functional Materials

[1] E. Stevens, J. Toman, K. Kimes, V. Chernenko, A. Wojcik, W. Maziarz, M. Chmielus. “Microstructural Evaluation of Magnetocaloric Ni-Co-Mn-Sn Produced by Directed Energy Deposition”. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 22 (2016) 1774–1775.

[2] A. Mostafaei, K.A. Kimes, E.L. Stevens, J. Toman, Y.L. Krimer, K. Ullakko, M. Chmielus, “Microstructural evolution and magnetic properties of binder jet additive manufactured Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy foam”, Acta Materialia, 131 (2017) 482-490.

[3] A. Mostafaei, P. Rodriguez, E.L. Stevens, M.Chmielus, “Sintering regimes and resulting microstructure and properties of binder jet 3D printed Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloys”, Acta Materialia, 154 (2018), 355-364,

[4] J. Toman, P. Müllner, M. Chmielus, “As-deposited and heat treated properties of Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy processed by directed energy deposition”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 752 (2018), 455-463,

[5] E. Stevens, K. Kimes, V.A. Chernenko, A. Wojcik, W. Maziarz, M. Chmielus, “Direct Laser Deposition and Homogenization of Ni-Co-Mn-Sn Magnetocaloric Material” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24, S1 (2018), 956-7,

[6] E. Stevens, D. Salazar, K. Kimes, R. Rodriguez, V. Chernenko, M. Chmielus, “Additive Manufacturing of Ni-Mn-Cu-Ga: Influence of Sintering Temperature on Magnetocaloric Effect and Microstructure”, Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019, Portland, OR, August 4-8 (2019),



[1] K. Ullakko, M. Chmielus, P. Müllner, “Stabilizing a fine twin structure in Ni-Mn-Ga samples by coatings and ion implantation”, Scripta Mater, 94 (2015), 40-43,

[2] P. Zhang, J. Toman, Y. Yu, E. Biyikli, M. Kirca, M. Chmielus, A.C. To,“ Efficient Design-Optimization of Variable-Density Hexagonal Cellular Structure by Additive Manufacturing: Theory and Validation” J Manufacturing Sc & Eng – Trans ASME, 137 (2015), 1-8,

[3] Y. Behnamian, A. Mostafaei, A. Kohandehghan, B. Shalchi Amirkhiz, D. Serate, Y. Sun, S. Liu, E. Aghaie, Y. Zeng, M. Chmielus, W. Zheng, D. Guzonas, W. Chen, J.L. Luo, “A comparative study of oxide scales grown on stainless steel and nickel-based superalloys in ultra-high temperature supercritical water at 800 °C”. Corrosion Science, 106 (2016) 188-207.

[4] Y. Behnamian, A .Mostafaei, A. Kohandehghan, B.S. Amirkhiz, D. Serate, W. Zheng, D. Guzonas, M. Chmielus, W. Chen, J.L. Luo, “Characterization of oxide scales grown on alloy 310S stainless steel after long term exposure to supercritical water at 500 °C” Materials Characterization, 120 (2016), 273-284,

[5] Y. Behnamian, A. Mostafaei, A. Kohandehghan, B. Zahiri, W. Zheng, D. Guzonas, M. Chmielus, W. Chen, J.L. Luo, “Corrosion behavior of alloy 316L stainless steel after exposure to supercritical water at 500 °C for 20000 h”, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 127 (2017) 191-199.

[6] Y. Behnamian, A. Mostafaei, A. Kohandehghan, B. Shalchi Amirkhiz, J. Li, B. Zahiri, W. Zheng, D. Guzonas, M.Chmielus, W. Chen, J.L. Luo, “A comparative study on the oxidation of austenitic alloys 304 and 304-oxide dispersion strengthened steel in supercritical water at 650 °C”, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 119, 245-260 (2017).

[7] Y. Behnamian, A. Mostafaei, A. Kohandehghan, B. Shalchi Amirkhiz, J. Li, Y. Zeng, W. Zheng, D. Guzonas, M. Chmielus, W. Chen, J.L. Luo, “Characterization of oxide layer and micro-crack initiation in alloy 316L stainless steel after 20000 h exposure to supercritical water at 500 °C”, Materials Characterization, 131 (2017) 532-543,

[8] A. Mostafaei, E.L. Stevens, J.J. Ference, D.E. Schmidt, M. Chmielus, “Binder jetting of a complex-shaped metal partial denture framework” Additive Manufacturing, 21 (2018), 63-68,

[9] E.A.Ellis, M.Chmielus, S.P.Baker, “Effect of sputter pressure on Ta thin films: Beta phase formation, texture, and stresses”, Acta Materialia, 150 (2018), 317-326,

[10] S.N.K. Abad, J. Moghaddam, M. Mozammel, A. Mostafaei, M. Chmielus, “New insight into the growth mechanism of co-precipitated hybrid Au/ZnO nanoprisms with Au modulated charge transfer properties”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 777 (2019), 1386-1395,

[11] K. Kimes, K. Myers, A. Klein, M. Ahlfors, E. Stevens, M. Chmielus, “Binder Jet 3D Printing of 316L Stainless Steel: Effects of HIP on Fatigue”, Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019, Portland, OR, August 4-8 (2019)

[12] E. Stevens, S. Schloder, E. Bono, D. Schmidt, M. Chmielus, “Using Microscopy and Image Analysis to Show Density and Property Variations in Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V”, Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019, Portland, OR, August 4-8 (2019),

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